Monday, June 27, 2011

Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

This verse has always resonated so soundly within my soul. It has always given me great comfort to know that God really DOES have a plan for my life, but it is up to me to follow that plan. I have already gone through so many trials in my life where I had to put my complete trust in the Lord, not knowing what was ahead. After all, God doesn’t call us to live by faith and not by sight for nothing (2 Corinthians 5:7). Where would we be without faith? What if we always knew what the outcome would be? What if we were given a clear map of directions that told us which path to follow? Initially, it would be awesome! I don’t have to worry, I can relax, I can breathe…but I know my faith in the Lord would slowly slip away and I would call on Him less and less. As time would go by, I would forget what my relationship was like with God before I got that road map. I would know that He existed, but He wouldn’t be so near to me. In James 4:8 it says, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.”

I think we don’t get a road map for that simple reason. Without one, God teaches us how to draw near to Him. Yes, at times it can be hard and I have fallen plenty, but He is so gracious enough to pick us back up so we can try again. When Thomas and I got married, we had an unclear vision of the road that lie ahead. The one thing that was clear was that God had called us to get married. He gave us tons of confirmation, everything fell into place, but after the vows were said and the rings were exchanged……no idea.
But…God knew. He has known from the beginning. During that time God was asking us to trust in Him to bring that plan to fruition. There were moments when I was really unsure if we would be able to pay rent the next month or have enough money to buy groceries, but He has always seen us through. The most major thing the Lord taught me throughout all of this was that it’s okay to be afraid. Shoot, I was scared out of my mind when God told us we should get married! With all of the trials and uncertainties, ups and downs we’ve faced in the past 7 months, I have such a better understanding of what trusting in God truly is. I also believe because we understand it better, we have been blessed in ways we never imagined for our obedience to Him. I am so grateful I can trust more easily, with less worry, and with less fear. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

I can’t believe Thomas and I are about to hit the 7 month mark on our marriage! I am excited to see God’s plan unfold as Thomas and I journey through life together :)